Thursday, February 16, 2012

Compare and Contrast-Carnaval

In Bolivia Carnaval is celebrated similar and different than in the United States. In Bolivia carnanval is celebrated famously in Oruro. Their best day is on the Saturday before ash Wednesday for the dancing devils parade. In the U.S the most famous place is New Orleans for the Carnaval. The similar thing about them that they both officaly start on Ash Wednesday. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

How Is Carnaval celebrated in the United States?

In New Orleans, Mardi Grads has a big festival they celebrate every year. Carnaval in New Orleans starts January 6 all out threw March 9. There is usually one major parade everyday during there carnaval. New Orleans common throws are strings of plastic colorful beads and small inexpensive toys. the krewes they have are the krewe of Rex and The krewe of Vieux.Pancakes are there traditional foods.they are fried breads or pastries made with sugar, fat, and eggs. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

How is carvival in bolivia?


Carnaval in Bolivia is celabrated with festivals and dances.  The town of Bolivia is decorated with fruits, miniatures of condors. The people play and dance to instruments, such as tarka and pinquillo. The dancers Celebrate Carnaval with a dance called "tarqueada".


Thursday, January 19, 2012

What is Carnaval/History of Carnaval

Carnival is a festival that Catholics and Christian celebated during February. In Bolivia, Carnival is celebrated eight days thoughout Ash Wednesday. Carnival in Bolivia, all started by a group of Catholics since the Spanish colonization. Carnival is an annual celebration in life that many people celebrate and started hundreds of years ago.